The benefits of plants and trees in your lot are endless. Trees do not just give off oxygen and provide food on our tables, they also add more aesthetic value in our houses, whether in our backyard or lawns.  

There are many ways to care for your trees. While it is better to hire an expert Tree Service company for professional-like maintenance and care, there are also maintenance tips you can do at home.  

Here are the 5 basic care tips to make your trees happy 

1. Keep them Fertilized 

Compared with the trees in wild forests, the trees in our yards have a lesser nutrient intake, not to mention they are more stressed. Wild trees have a rich source nutrient coming from fallen leaves, decayed animals and insects, their feces, and the list goes on. The trees on our yards are exposed to high-stress conditions like physical injuries or damages caused by human activities, lesser moisture and water intake, and low source of nutrients due to daily cleaning like raking away the fallen twigs, leaves, and/or the dead insects which are a potential nutrient source. Because of these stresses, plants in residential areas are more susceptible to insect invasion and other plant diseases.  

To avoid this, keep your plants and trees healthy by providing them food and nutrients through fertilizers. Organic fertilizers are the best option which includes manufactured composts, dried feces, and others, which are available in your local market.  

2. Keep regular pruning and trimming 

When trees have many dead twigs and branches, diseases and infection could spread quickly. Pruning and trimming help prevent the spread of decay from these branches and keep your trees in good shape.  

Shaded trees with a lot of dead branches cover and block sunlight for other smaller plants in the area, which results in dead grasses. 


Mulching is one of the most used practices in gardening, and also, one of the most effective gardening techniques. It is a process of covering the soil with mulch such as wood chips, barks, leaves, and other organic materials. This effectively cools down the plant and helps preserve moisture in the soil as it blocks sunlight and potentially reduces the chances of water evaporation.  

The benefits of mulching include controlled germination and weed growth, controlled heat temperature, prevention of soil compaction, fertilization (when you use organic materials for cover), and others.  

It is quick, doable and cost-effective. 

4.Cabling your trees 

Tree damages and injuries are inevitable. These are caused by storms, strong winds, and/or construction errors. Cabling is an act of putting cables to stabilize your trees especially when they can no longer support themselves. Although it is often used for injured trees, it can also be used for healthy trees to maintain a good structure.  

5. Remove trees if necessary 

While it is difficult to finally decide to remove a tree, it might be a practical choice to do. Sometimes trees impose a safety risk on your other plants, your house, or even to your family and neighbors. Unfortunately, tree removal is a part of tree maintenance that you might need to do when the situation calls for it.